Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions can be found below:
1Where is Company located?
Our company is located in several addresses. One of our main offices is located at Demirchi Plaza 3, Khatai district, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic. However, we strongly recommend that you address a particular issue and determine where the particular lawyer is.
2How we can communicate with lawyers for your company?
Admission of lawyers can only be done by applying for a pre-interview.
3Does the foreign person need the local sponsor to establish the company in the Republic of Azerbaijan?
The foreign person does not need the local sponsor to establish the company in the Republic of Azerbaijan
4Can the founder and also be director of company when establishing LLC?
Yes. Any founder of the company can be a director of the same company.
5How useful is it to engage in business activities in the Republic of Azerbaijan?
Azerbaijan is one of the largest countries in terms of honesty in the world. The government attaches great importance to the business activity. Azerbaijan is accompanied by a tourist country in the year. In view of the above, accepting the tax law in 2019 may facilitate employers to carry out business in Azerbaijan successfully and fruitfully.